Hein Kasanui
The story teller

About me
It feels weird to be writing my own
story inside this book of stories
but alas what is a writer to do.I can't say I've had the toughest life
growing up, only dealing with the
shenanigans of a very dear friend from time to time were the highlights of my day. Besides certain things are better left unsaid, or well written.
Stories were a favorite past time of mine, and eventually became a bigger part of my life.leading me to many fun moment's but those are for private and won't be written down here, Yet at-least.
My Current Job
Through some rather funny circumstances I'm currently working as a bartender at Ars Goetia on Saturday nights. Always a fun time serving people drinks and recounting stories I've heard.
Working there is a rather fun blast all thing's that could be considered. Plenty of people to chat with on the night we're open. Plenty of juicy
secret's have been overheard. Maybe you'd like to confess your's as well?
Likes and Dislikes
What i enjoy is a rather long... exhaustive... list, but that would be a lie.
I enjoy talking with people, learning their stories, what makes them tick.
The damn cold seeped through everything.. chilling all the way to the bone as curses were spat at the blinding snow that obscured everything but the closest of rocks. the Crunching of snow echoing in his horns as each step brought me closer to what seemed to be shelter or at least something to take me out of the wind but as the weight of the man collapsed against the stone. Thoughts turning those of warmth of fire, maybe it was just the tiredness that was seeping in but he could feel the heat as if it was there close enough to touch. Thus, the man did reach out only to be met with that warmth emanating from the rock. Finger's exploring the surface as dread started to seep into his heart. the cracks in-between scales as it dawned on him what he had found was naught shelter, but the back of a dragon that started to stir.clutching his bag he turned to run.. but the snow around the creature had been turned to slush. The man my prey was unable to find any purchase and his mad dash away from the infernal creature began. HIs only warning that he'd been spotted was the crushing of snow behind him as the hope to maybe hide as the thing took off was dashed. It'd be over too quick That damn cold again seeped into his lungs as the beating heart inside of him felt ready to burst. The snapping of jaws and the fear of death that threatened to end life short was all the encouragement he needed to keep runningHe could have made it too.. in a fool's dream perhaps. not many escaped the sight of a dragon.. and many less without injury. a stumble sent him rolling down the mountain pass.. it's too bad the fire of a dragon's breathe was there to accommodate the trip down, a going away present so to say. White flooded his sight as if he had stared directly into a candle. Snow and pain mixing together to cloud his vision before unconsciousness took the manLife filtered back into him how ever slowly. ebbing to and fro on the sea of consciousness was a voice high pitched and annoying his vision was that of.. flowers? or thing's that shouldn't be there as he tried to sit up. wracking pain causing him to crash back down as the injuries brought him back to reality "Now now that won't do.. look again ya dolt they aren't that bad." who was he to argue at the moment? his good eye barely cracking open to stare at the body of somebody. it was him alright but his body seemed better. It was as if he had been healed by a mage of Gridana, the cut's were small and shallow and his arms and legs felt light and free from pain. Able to sit up as he watched what he came to be known as a pixie danced to and fro on his vision "You better get moving or the cold will kill ya sweetie.." Her voice was dripping with sarcasm.. uncaring as if this was all a play for her to watch out. but in his state he couldn't argue or question. The chill of Ishgard remained at bay it seemed as long as he remained near her as each step felt better then the last to take. Managing to make it to a village where everything came crashing down the last words ebbing into his brain "Well well you made it~ guess we have a contract."The woman watched from the edge of the window, tending to a candle flame as the man stumbled into the town.. body broken and battered, seemingly crazy as they swatted with a limp arm at things that weren't there.
Race | Name | Desc |
Incubus/Miqo | Vel Lindbulm | A rather annoying Miqo that has happened to stumble across the same place I work at. An interesting person in the fact that he's a sweet horn-dog that seems to have some history with Underworld. |
Undead golem? / Viera. | Sora Nhasni | A dead spirit that seems to have been bound to some golem? have yet to ask specifics as it seems a rather gruesome tale to be spun. |
Feeds on magic like a vampire? / Au'Ra | Kalsah Sentoak | An Au'ra that seems to feed on magic for their own, a rather interesting case of them being able to ingest Fae magic. |
Viera | *** | an armor clad black knight weilding some kind of mystical power. |
Alune | ars worker |
detective Regulus Ace at your service kind sir was out first interactionBut being told first thing about her father's murder is a whole other thingperhaps on a better day i could have asked more question's.. figured out more things to ask but alas i was stunned instincts causing a rather.. unwelcome complimentbut it seemed to have slipped by unoticed as she talked about a new crime she was investigating.. another murder of parent's. The same M.O maybe even the same killer.
Sasha's story begins ages ago, in mortal terms, in a place now known as the Golmorre Jungle. She and her sister, Elektra, had come of age and were becoming well known for producing large litters of kits. As well as excellent hunters. They were on the way to becoming leaders of t heir tribe. IN those days, Voidsent were more common, and thus it was that some of them noted the sisters. One night, while hunting, they were caught by a group of Voidsent, and capturedThey were taken through a Voidgate, and handed over to a Void Prince, Lucien. He set them to his service, to serve as concubines. And as gatherers of aether. To that end, he had his mages and other voidsent servants warp them, into succubi; succubuns if you will. eternal torments and pleasures turned them into warped creatures of their own. Sasha was even forced to grow a cock to please their Master.once sufficiently warped, and debased into sex hungry fiends, they were tasked with gathering aether for their lords and mistresses. Given to summoners, void mages, witches, and other voidsent, to devour mortals and demons alike. However almost all their aether was tithed to Lucien. Sasha herself, served as a personal concubine to Lucien, such was her sexual prowess. Elektra, her sister, was more inquistive and intelligent, and was given the privilege of learning>>>
Sasha VernusHalicarnassus >> void magicks. she became a void witch of surpassing potency. Both of them can exude aphrodesiac pheromones. And they can both pluck a person's greatest desires from their minds, and appear as that being. to a certain limit. Sasha, as a devil, can wield hellfire, reap souls, cast illusions, and has other...sexual...augmentations and abilities after ages of serving, and devouring the souls of innocents in order to try and slake the empty void where their souls once resided..the sisters, led by Elektra (who had learned the secrets of opening portals) escaped their master, and fled to the mortal realm. Now that they are here, their master's and mistress's hold on them has diminished to near nothingness. They're on their own in a large world, with an abudance of prey, they no longer need to kill to survive i can't read minds, only somewhat...instinctively? sense what people desire in the moment and glamer an illusory appearance to tempt them'Connection to her sister provides feedback to them both